Soldiers Without Guns

2018 feature film in post-production

TMI Pictures

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SOLDIERS WITHOUT GUNS looks at the fascinating story of how a war was ended by an army without guns, determined to unite people in peace.

The Bougainville Civil War erupted when Bougainvilleans rose up against the Australian owned Panguna copper mine that had destroyed their environment, taken their land and divided the people.

After 10 years of war, 14 failed peace agreements and 20,000 people dead, New Zealand stepped in with an unprecedented style of peacekeeping.

Deciding to take guitars instead of guns they were able to bring the warring parties together with music and cultural connection. However, when a New Zealand diplomat’s helicopter was shot out of the sky by rebel forces, the whole peace process was suddenly thrown into jeopardy.

Journeying through a series of tense moments, assassinations and political maneuvering, this is the story of how peace was won and the operation came to be considered one of modern history’s most successful peacekeeping missions.

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