The Landvaettir

2023 short film

Liam van den berk

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In "The Landvaettir," my goal was to transport audiences into a rich and immersive world deeply rooted in Norse mythology, where a courageous Norse hero named Eva emerges as the beacon of hope amidst a tumultuous battle between Saxon forces and ruthless mercenaries. Through Eva's journey, we seek to explore themes of freedom, environmental oversight, and the journey of what the human spirit can unfold,

The film's narrative revolves around Eva's quest for salvation, not only for herself but for her sister Ida. In this ancient landscape, the clash between cultures and ideologies becomes a backdrop for Eva's personal growth and her role as a spark for change. As a female lead, Eva challenges traditional gender norms, defying expectations, and showcasing the strength, resilience, and resourcefulness that women possess.

The environment plays a pivotal role in "The Landvaettir," serving as a living, breathing character in its own right. We want to convey the profound connection between humans and nature, highlighting the symbiotic relationship that exists. Through breathtaking cinematography and visual effects, we will bring to life the stunning landscapes, enchanted forests, and majestic seascapes that encompass this world. The audience will witness the beauty and power of nature, but also the consequences of greed.

In terms of the visual aesthetic, we will draw inspiration from the raw beauty of Scandinavian landscapes and the mysticism found within Norse mythology. We envision a visually striking film, filled with contrasting elements of light and darkness, contrasting the serenity of nature with the chaos of battle. I have employed a color palette that reflects the changing feelings throughout the film , emphasizing the cyclical nature of life and the passing of time. Through the character of Eva, I hope to create a strong emotional connection between the audience and the protagonist, as well as the wider cast of characters. I want viewers to feel the weight of Eva
